Jane and Sybil are on the verge of the deal of their lives. They have rented a hotel suite for a very private showing of their "Passion Fashion Wear" lingerie. Only famous Italian designer Bruno Fruferelli is to attend. The models are booked, the champagne is on ice and the sexy samples are on display. They have anticipated every contingency, expect the arrival of their jealous husbands who have jumped to the wrong conclusions. Combine suspicious spouses, stolen underwear and mistaken identities with five million dollars, a scantily clad model and a lecherous security guard and you have the recipe for this giddy farce in the classic tradition.
Year Printed: 1993
First Produced: In 1992 by the Muskoka Festival, Ontario
Acts: 2
Full-length Play
Male Cast: 5
Female Cast: 2
Total Cast: 7