Included in this bundle: Apple and Blowfish.
Apple was commissioned by Workshop West Theatre, Edmonton in 1999. It was first produced by Workshop West on April 11, 2002 at the Kaasa Theatre, Edmonton.
Andy is in trouble. Downsized from his job, his marriage in crises, he meets a mysterious young woman who he looks to for salvation. But when his wife becomes seriously ill, Andy must make a choice: care for an estranged wife, or run away with a woman he knows little about. A haunting tale of sex, secrets and second chances.
Genre: Drama
Male roles: 1
Female roles: 2
Blowfish was commissioned by Workshop West Theatre in 1995. It was further developed and co-produced by Northern Light Theatre (Edmonton) and the National Arts Centre (Ottawa). It opened November 6, 1996 at Commerce Place (Edmonton).
Minimum cast size: 4 actors