Sean Harris Oliver’s The Fighting Season is a searing investigation into the Afghan War through the eyes of a Canadian field medic (Kristy), an OR surgeon (Terry), and a recovery room nurse (Karine). When all three medical professionals experience a life-changing event in the operating room of the NATO-controlled Role 3 Multinational Medical Unit at Kandahar Airfield, they are sent back to Canada for further evaluation. Through Kristy, Terry and Karine’s interwoven monologues we begin to understand the contribution that Canada’s medical teams made in Afghanistan, as well as the devastating impact that war has on the ones charged with saving lives.
The Fighting Season was nominated for the 2017 Jessie Richardson Theatre Award for Outstanding New Script.
“The Fighting Season is devastating…Oliver builds an empathy with realistic characters who are at times harrowing, horrific and heroic.” —Vancouver Presents
“Visceral and moving, The Fighting Season shines as a fascinating study of war medics.” —The Review Weekly
Male roles: 2
Female roles: 1