Part romantic musical comedy, part dystopian fairy tale The Coyotes was first produced in 1978. This 2019 revision blends magic realism, political satire and antic humour in a poetic tapestry of greed, love and transformation set in the near future.
In a world devastated by drought, a run-down farm with the last well on earth is home to the widow Agnes and her two grown daughters; three hungry coyotes — White Shadow, Muzzleguts and Slobberjaw — prowl the farm in search of food; two nefarious realtors connive to buy the farm for a gated community; and the ghost of Agnes’s dead husband implores her not to sell. When the mythic white coyote falls in love with one of the widow’s daughters a chain of events is triggered leading to a seven year curse upon the land. A curse which can only be lifted if a fragile harmony with nature is restored.
With a new score by John Millard.
Keywords: Climate change, comedy, music, coyotes, mythology, environment, commedia, masks, farm, land, real estate, dystopian, women, family, romance, poetry
First Produced by the Caravan Stage Company, BC, 1978
Genre: Comedy
Running Time: 120 minutes
Male Cast: 5
Female Cast: 4
Musician roles: 3
One doubled role possible
Optional chorus (up to 8)
Cover art features Mike Kennard in the Caravan Farm Theatre production. Photo by Cody Clyburn