Portia's Julius Caesar by Kaitlyn Riordan, adapted from William Shakespeare

'Portia's Julius Caesar' finds best friends, Portia and Calpurnia, married to two of the most powerful men in Rome, Brutus and Caesar. With a baby in arms, Portia is struggling to define her new role as a Mother, while Calpurnia is making offerings to the gods, in hopes of becoming pregnant for the first time. Meanwhile, Rome is teetering on the brink of becoming a monarchy, with Caesar’s sights set on being a King. Welcoming Brutus' Mother, Ceasar's mistress, and a slew of other female characters into the story, themes of fertility, loyalty, and the price we pay for our beliefs are explored in this female centred re-imagining of Shakespeare’s 'Julius Caesar'.
“Half the script is Riordan’s own writing; the other half is drawn from 17 Shakespeare plays including Julius Caesar, four sonnets, and a poem. Her achievement in weaving this all together so it comes across as a single, and credibly Elizabethan, voice is considerable…”
Karen Fricker, Toronto Star
3.5/4 stars and named one of Toronto's Top Shows of 2018
Keywords: Women, Fertility, Female Friendships, Ancient Rome, Shakespeare
Genre: Drama, Hybrid Adaptation