Patty, a 16 year old girl who eats pizza for breakfast, loves to play chess, and has a secret. Patty’s life is turned upside-down when her secret shame becomes juicy gossip: Patty picks her nose! Patty struggles to return her life to normal, while dealing with her picky girlfriend Phoebe, problematic father Paul, and plotting revenge on that piece of crap Preston who caused the whole mess. A charming coming-of-age story on bullying, tolerance, and acceptance.
Keywords: High School, Divorce, LGBTQ Relationship, Bullying, Disability, Mental Health
Produced at the Toronto Fringe Festival, St. Vladimir's Theatre, July 2024. (Critic's Pick)
Genre: TYA, Comedy
Run time: 45 minutes
Content notes: Contains mild language
Cast size: 4 actors
Male roles: 2
Female roles: 2
Casting note: Phoebe, Preston, and Dad can be played by the same performer. This would result in a cast size of 2.
"A show aimed primarily at teen audiences, the story’s tone and messaging skew towards this demographic yet its hyperactive energy and whimsical aesthetic have broad appeal."
- Istvan Dugalin
"Evan Bawtinheimer has written a delightfully charming script"
- Intermission Magazine
"...so clever, funny and multi-layered that it would enthrall the most jaded high school crowd."
- Arpita Ghosal and Scott Sneddon, Sesa Arts Magazine
"★★★★ Poignant, fast-paced, and precise. Patty Picker is a smart, sharp, and satirically teeny depiction of what it means to deal with a terrible, uncontrollable secret as an overachieving highschooler."
- Shaharah Gaznabbi, Orda Review