Dorothy Corbett's nephew Donald leaves Patricia
at the altar and finds refuge with his poet aunt. He loves
Patricia but is conflicted about his drive to become a
sculptor. At the same time a distinguished author and
old flame of Dorothy's travels to her island cottage to
retrieve his love letters from many years ago. Complications
arise when Douglas, the author, meets Donald who is about
to make the same mistake in love as he did, and with the same letters. A romantic comedy about second chances set during more innocent times before cell phones, e-mail,
and all other forms of social media, when people spoke to each other and sent letters.
Keywords: Summer Comedy, Love vs. Art, Second Chances,
Love Letters, Generations.
First Produced: Northern Light Theatre, Edmonton January 25 to February 18, 1979, Early Version
Acts: 2
Male Roles: 5
Female Roles: 3
Casting Notes
Six of the eight actors are over fifty, two are mid-twenties.