I Am For You by Mieko Ouchi

Playwrights Canada Press

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Cover of I Am For You

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Fighting words . . .

Lainie and Mariam have it out for each other, so it’s no surprise when they finally come to violent blows in the middle of their high school’s drama room. That’s when Caddell Morris, an ex-professional actor and newly minted student teacher, steps in. By teaching the girls the art of stage combat, he hopes to help them understand more about the roots and costs of violence. But when he convinces the drama teacher to let them play Mercutio and Tybalt in their school production of Romeo and Juliet, swords, words, and egos battle and clash. Can Lainie and Mariam find a way to work together?

Keywords: Asian Canadian Theatre, Theatre for Young Audiences (TYA), Western Canadian Theatre, Women Writers

Year Printed: 2016
Male Cast: 1
Female Cast: 2