Holy Mo and Spew Boy by Lucia Frangione


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PGC CopyScript

A reverently irreverant post-modern romp through the Old Testiment from creation to King Solomon, not for the religously faint of heart. Three fools endeavor to shake the dust off of ancient tales and a bring a cast of thousands to life. Follie tries to keep the stories going, what she can remember of them, while Guff throws dinosaurs into Genesis and Bufoona demands to play a princess instead of King David. Good for all ages and people of all faiths. Wildly acclaimed, sold out Vancouver hit, produced four times in five years. Winner of the Gordon Armstrong Playwrights Award in 1997. Year Printed: 1998
First Produced: 1997 by Potluck Productions, Vancouver. Running TIme: 120 minutes
Acts: 2 Female Cast: 3