Luke and Sarah, a young, newly married couple, rent their first apartment in an 8-plex then learn that Harry, the ghost of the murdered previous tenant, haunts their apartment. Harry makes it known he is responsible for groaning pipes, kitchen cupboards doors opening and closing and a radio that turns on and off. Luke uses his copy of “Exorcism for Complete Idiots,” but fails to budge Harry. Harry makes it clear he will continue to haunt the apartment until Luke, Sarah, and neighbour, Mildred, help him detect who murdered him. Fear of ghosts takes a back seat to humour when the four embark on their quest.
Keywords: Ghost comedy, hilarious, couples comedy
Genre: Comedy
Acts: 2
Run time: 90 minutes
Cast size: 8 actors
Male roles: 6
Female roles: 2
Casting note: 6 actors required when doubling -- 4 male, 2 female.