Dissocia by Adam Cowart


Regular price $14.00
Image Stage Ready

Dissocia explores the dark side of online gambling, and the intersection of addiction and myth. The play follows two sisters and their absent father who gambles away first their worldly possessions and then, piece by piece, their own bodies. Juxtaposed with the poetic and imagistic world of the two sisters is the story of a father who tries to save his son from a fate as a gambling addict. Complicating matters is the father's job, a casino manager. The father instructs his son through allegorical video clips of a woman who gambles her life away, and then kills herself in a casino washroom. Dissocia explores the deep compulsions we all have and how, at best, some of us are fortunate enough to have socially acceptable addictions while others are ostracized and demonized.

Running TIme: 75 minutes
Acts: 1

Male Cast: 3
Female Cast: 3