Changed Utterly by Joan Bryans


Regular price $14.00
Changed Utterly by Joan Bryans

1916 Dublin. The eve of a rebellion that will impel Ireland on its way to Independence. Constance Markievicz, third in command of the military, is ready, “Be the chances great or small”. The odds are indeed against them: a group of rebels will face 20,000 British soldiers. Constance is not your average rebel - born an aristocrat, rich, Anglo Irish, married to a Polish Count, she gives everything up for her country and its people.

We follow Constance in her transformation from rich playgirl to committed rebel. Watch as she and her fellow rebels battle against enormous odds to victory. All with conviction, yes, but also with songs, poetry and even a bit of fun. They are Irish after all!

All changed, changed utterly:
A terrible beauty is born. (W.B. Yeats, Easter, 1916)

Performed at  Vital Spark theatre, Vancouver, 2019

Genre: Drama
Keywords: Ireland, Markievicz, rebellion
Run time: 115 minutes
Male roles: 6
Female roles: 6
Maximum # of roles: 16
Minimum # of roles: 12
Suitable for students 16+
A copy of the music for the songs can be obtained from the playwright.