Canadian Drama and the Critics (Revised Edition) edited by L.W. Conolly
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The editor of this lively, updated assortment of reviews, interviews and other critical deliberations on contemporary Canadian drama has gathered material from books, theatre and scholarly journals; from major daily newspapers in Canada and abroad; from critics, academics, journalists and playwrights. This new expanded and updated edition of Canadian Drama and the Critics now includes commentary on 43 English-language plays written during the last 50 years.
Canadian Drama and the Critics is an enjoyable read that offers an intelligent, wide-ranging overview of modern Canadian plays and playwrights. An ideal companion text to Talonbooks’ Modern Canadian Plays Volumes I and II and other anthologies of Canadian drama, Canadian Drama and the Critics also includes detailed production information for the premiere of each play and a comprehensive index.
Canadian Drama and the Critics is an enjoyable read that offers an intelligent, wide-ranging overview of modern Canadian plays and playwrights. An ideal companion text to Talonbooks’ Modern Canadian Plays Volumes I and II and other anthologies of Canadian drama, Canadian Drama and the Critics also includes detailed production information for the premiere of each play and a comprehensive index.