BLANKET FISH by Shaughn Clutchey


Regular price $14.00
BLANKET FISH by Shaughn Clutchey

In Northwestern Ontario, the black spruce watch the inland lakes. In winter the lakes freeze, and the people of the area take to the lakes to try their luck at fishing. Soupy and Philly Campbell are brothers who have been apart for years. The brothers are experiencing a transitional period in their lives, and they are travelling on different paths. As the black spruce watch, the brothers attempt to reconcile their differences during an overnight fishing trip on one of these frozen lakes.

Keywords: winter, snow, ice, fish, supernatural, ghosts, sibling, nature, adventure

Genre: Drama
Acts: 2
Run time: 70 minutes

Cast size: 3 actors
Male roles: 2
Female roles: 1
Casting note: Characters:
Soup Campbell, M, 31
Philly Campbell, M, 29
Ally Greco, F, 31