Before Eve is a one act, tour de force example of physical theatre that explores the politics of religion and the far reaching psychological consequences of feminine icons of power denied.
Before Eve unravels the stories of two women; contemporary Eve, the daughter of a minister, and Innana, a priestess of a pre-patriarchal society when God was thought of as female. Eve’s story of her aspiration to become a minister and her conflicted relationship with her father is contrasted with Innana’s account of the demise of her religion and society. Ms Prokop was nominated for a Dora Mavor Moore award for her performance.
First produced by Generic Theatre, Generic Theatre Studio, Toronto ON, October 1989
Also produced at Theatre Passe Muraille, Toronto ON as part of The Gathering - a collaboration between Women's Theatre Works and Theatre Passe Muraille, 1991 and Knox Chapel (the Partnership Way Convention), Toronto ON, 1991
Keywords:Â female spirituality / women's history
Genre: Drama, mask work, physical theatre
Acts: 1
Run time: 60 minutes
Content notes:Â The character Eve describes being sexual assaulted. There is some swearing in the scene.
Cast size: 1 actor
Female roles: 2
Casting note:Â Before Eve was conceived of and performed as a one woman play however it is possible for the play to be performed by two actors.
Cover photo by Greg Tjepkema