A Full House by Rajnish Dhawan


Regular price $14.00
A Full House by Rajnish Dhawan

Four Women, they are victims of terrorism, they are potential terrorists, and they find themselves sharing an apartment in multicultural Vancouver. This is the story of their coming to terms with their sense of loss, grief, and desire for revenge.

Jaya, a woman in her thirties has come to Vancouver, Canada to seek revenge for the death of her family who was wiped out in the bombing of an Air-India flight by the terrorists in 1985. She shares a house with three other women Valerie, Adela and Simi. The four women share a bond of love and friendship and are always eager to help each other in times of need. 

Adela, whose real name is Arifa, is also in Canada to seek revenge for the loss of her family that was annihilated in a drone attack in Afghanistan. She is living in Vancouver as a Romanian and is waiting for the right moment to strike. The other two women too have been victims of terror in the past. Simi is a survivor of Sikh pogrom of 1984 while Valerie is a New Yorker who lost her fiancé in the 9/11 attack. Both of them are trying to forget their past and move on with their lives but when violence confronts them again, they are unable to keep their emotions in check.

The play “A Full House” attempts to address certain difficult questions regarding communalism, violence, hatred and revenge especially when these phenomena hit us, up close and personal.

Keywords: Terrorism, Murder, Islamophobia, All women show, Revenge, Grief

Running Time: 105 minutes

Female Cast: 4

Suitable for School Productions: Students 16+