Miss Elizabeth Le Petyt, an aspiring author, ventures to Cornwall to escape her hectic London life. The cottage she chooses has a mysterious past but seems the perfect place to find inspiration for her writing. However, misplaced items, inexplicable events, and whispers in the dark disrupt her solace and have her questioning her sanity. Is this her own past coming back to haunt her or is she getting too close to discovering the cottage’s secrets? WHISPERS IN THE DARK is a haunting tale inspired by Victorian ghost stories.
First produced by Vertigo Theatre, Calgary, 2020
Keywords: ghost story, small cast, British
Genre: Thriller, Adaptation
Run time: 105 minutes
Acts: 2
Cast size: 4
Male roles: 1
Female roles: 2
Other roles: 1
Note: Audio files to aid the Cornish pronunciations are available. Â
"3.5 Stars"