The Scream - Le cri by Carolyn Fe


Regular price $14.00
The Scream - Le cri by Carolyn Fe

The Scream is a bilingual (French – English) play about a white baby boomer couple who raised their children with the 1950s values they grew up in. Life for this upper-middleclass family of four was grand. Good parents raising good kids who become good people. Life was perfect and in order until the son brings home the love of his life, an older Filipina. Welcome to the decline of their family’s construct.

Le cri, pièce bilingue anglais-français, met en scène un couple de baby-boomers blancs qui ont élevé leurs deux enfants selon les valeurs des années 1950 au sein desquelles ils ont eux-mêmes grandi. Pour cette famille de la classe moyenne supérieure, la vie était belle : de bons parents ayant permis à de bons enfants de devenir debonnes personnes. Bref, une vie parfaite et en ordre...jusqu'à ce que le fils ramène à la maison l'amour de sa vie, une Philippine plus âgée que lui. On assistera alors àl'effondrement de leur structure familiale."

Keywords: Nice Racism, Racism, Baby Boomer, Old, Prejudice, Fragility, Appropriation, Appreciation, Acceptance, Inclusivity, Filipino, French, English

Genre: Comedy, Drama
Acts: 1
Run time: 75 minutes
Content notes: Contains some swearing.
Suitable for students 12+

Cast size: 6 actors
Male roles: 3
Female roles: 3
Casting note: Actors must speak non-accented French fluently with the exception of two characters: "Mike" who speaks with an English-accented French, and, "Rayna" who speaks French with a Filipino accent.
Casting Breakdown:
Moe: 75 yrs old. Caucasian. Father. Must be able to speak fluent English and French, ideally with a Franco-Ontarian accent.
Marie: 65 yrs old. Caucasian. Mother. Must be able to speak fluent English and French, ideally with a Quebec accent.
Christophe: 40 yrs old. Caucasian. Son. Must be able to speak fluent English and French.
Joanne: 30 yrs old. Caucasian. Daughter. Must be able to speak fluent English and French, ideally with a Quebec accent.
Mike: 35 yrs old. Caucasian. Joanne’s husband. Must be able to speak English and French with and Anglo accent.
Reyna: 45 yrs old. Filipina. Christophe’s partner. Must be able to speak English and French.