Glory is on the verge of losing her home and maybe her marbles. But there are strange forces at work both with her and against her including a piano-playing, hockey-playing niece, a shifty lawyer/fiance, Eastern European mafia, and family portraits that just won't sit still...not to mention some skeletons and the hidden closets that they're literally hidden in...
Set in the family's mansion in South Western Ontario, this play feels like classics such as "Arsenic and Old Lace" or "Bell Book and Candle" but with a twist. The question is: "Is there any money and if so, where could it be??"
Keywords:Â Southwestern Ontario, classic, mystery, ghosts, hockey, piano, money, adoption, mistaken identities, Eastern European, Russian, Romanian, bankrupt, Trust, secrets, lawyer, stocks, investments, criminals, car crash, accident, sabotage, murder, extortion, comedy
Genre: Comedy, Mystery, Thriller
Acts: 2
Run time: 100 minutes
Suitable for students 12+
Content note: A gun is required in this play but it is never fired. There is physical comedy that requires fight choreography. There are mild oaths used occasionally in the course of the dialogue. Characters will simulate smoking - both a cigar and cigarettes. There are ghost characters and the recounting of foul play so death and dying are elements in this play. There are technical elements in this play that could be simplified for production depending on the limitations of the theatre.
Casting: 5 actors
Male roles: 3
Female roles: 1
Casting notes:Â The role of Glory is doubled with Hope. They are sisters. The role of Volga is doubled with Edward Follows. The role of Gorky is doubled with Truman O'Malley. The characters of Patrick Follows and Truman O'Malley are actually related. Patrick is Truman's biological son. Knowing this when casting might be beneficial. Volga and Gorky are brothers but since they also double Truman and Ed who are not related, physical resemblance in casting is not necessary or even beneficial. Grace is Glory's niece, daughter of Glory's sister, Hope. But again, close physical resemblance is not critical because it turns out that Grace is adopted. However, it is important that the audience should believe that Grace is actually Glory's niece and that Patrick Follows is actually Ed Follow's son.