This fictional story is loosely based on a true story about the infamous Giant Mine in the Northwest Territories. Giant Mine has been an unwelcome legacy impacting the traditional livelihood of Yellowknives Dene First Nation members in the Northwest Territories Canada.
Giant mine was established in the early 1940’s and was abandoned in the late 1990’s. The Government of the Northwest Territories took over responsibility for reclamation of most abandoned mine sites in the Northwest Territories from the Federal government on April 1, 2014, however Giant Mine has remained a federal responsibility due to the sheer magnitude of the mess left behind.
There are viable reports pointing to the deaths of Yellowknives Dene First Nation children in their home community that traced directly to arsenic poisoning and as a result a small financial compensation was paid out by the mining company to the families that lost loved ones.
A study done by the Indian Brotherhood in the 1970’s showed ninety percent of Indigenous people living in proximity to giant mine had high levels of arsenic in their systems when tested with hair samples yet mine production continued.
Inorganic arsenic toxicity levels in the abandoned Giant Mine area continue to exceed safe levels.
There is no known solution on how to effectively contain the 237,000 tons of deadly arsenic underneath the earth from seeping into northern waterways and killing everything in its path, essentially affecting the entire world.
The Giant Mine truly stands up to its name.
Genre: Drama, Play with Music
Acts: 3
Run time: 90 minutes [NOTE: the script contains 6 pages of text. A performance of the piece resulting in a 90 minute run time would focus heavily on physical movement and music]
Content notes: Contains references to death
Cast size: 12
Male roles: 6
Female roles: 3
Trans/Non-Binary/Gender Non-Conforming roles: 3
Other roles: 5
Musician roles: 1
Casting notes:
Elder- 60-70 years Indigenous Female
Headman (Chief) 30-40 years - Indigenous Male
Medicine Man - 60 years - Indigenous Male
Lead Prospector - 20-40 years - Caucasian Male
Indian Agent - 30-40 years - Caucasian Male
Hayorila (Community) - Extras (could be double roles)
Hayorila Child - 5-10 years - Indigenous Male or Female
Hayorila Child's Mother - 30 years Indigenous Female
Hayorila Child's Father - 30 years Indigenous Male
Rich Couple - 30-50 years Caucasian Male and Female - (could be double roles)
Scientist - 30-40 years - Caucasian Male or Female - (could be double roles)
Townspeople/Rioters - Extras (could be double roles)