Based on a true story, “Gadfly: Sam Steiner Dodges the Draft” tells the captivating true story of a Mennonite rebel, his underground newspaper, and the war that changed his life forever.
This thought-provoking, original drama follows the experiences of Sam Steiner (an American draft dodger); from marching with MLK Jr., to being chased by the Feds, “Gadfly” follows the struggle of a young man determined to make sense of his beliefs amidst the political realities of the day.
Keywords: Vietnam, MLK, Pacifism, Mennonite, March, Protest, Gadfly, Conscientious Objection, Hippie, Beatnik
Genre: Historical drama
Run time: 60 minutes
Male roles: 6
Females roles: 9
Double roles: 14
Musician roles: 1
Suitable for students aged 10+
Maximum roles: 15
Minimum roles: 5